Play Widgets software

Bring life to your desktop with fun Konfabulator Widgets. These little guys hang out on your screen and give you quick, easy access to favorite content. You can even change their style to match yours.
Search giant Yahoo said on Monday that it has bought Pixoria, a company that provides small, downloadable programs that let computer users quickly get up-to-the-minute information, such as stock quotes and weather reports without having to open a Web browser.
First download the respective Konfabulator version by clicking on this link.
Full install 5.2 MB
Requires Mac OS X 10.2 or greater
Full install 8.8 MB
Requires Windows XP or 2000
Some default widgets gets installed, you can customize them or download new widgets from this pool.
few of my fav...
Daily Dose
BitTorrent Search Widget
Memory Hog
Elegant Stickies
Flickr Upload Widget
Fancy Goldfish
12 RSS News Widgets
Digg News
Urban Dictionary
list goes on n on...
I used to play with them few years back. Creating interesting desktops with widgets is such a craze those days.
If you are anything like me to experiment with new softwares or widegets, then this is worth a try.
by the way can u watch my three cute ants and my yummy mango right on my desktop??
theres a long story about those mango slices.....vl post sometime.
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