is a social bookmarks manager. It allows you to easily add sites you like to your personal collection of links, to categorize those sites with keywords, and to share your collection not only between your own browsers and machines, but also with others.
complete tools collection of delicious can be found
here. (must visit)
Linkrolls are a way for you to have your latest bookmarks displayed as part of your website.
other way of posting delicious on ur site
here.super fast delicious posting
here.delicious private links hack is quite useful. checkout.
Foxylicious is a
Mozilla Firefox extension that syncs your bookmarks into your browser bookmarks.
backing up delicious in gmail.
here is another way to do it.
make your own mulitpost bookmarklet tool allows you to access the web service of via it's
API through
python.Durl, rss feed for delicious url queries. Enter a url to retrieve information about people who delicious'ed it.
Durl Oishii trend graphs
here.get tag clouds, javascript
here.Last 24 hours popular sites. some more popular sites helps you discover the hot and fresh bookmarks from various SBM.
oishii! polls the front page every 5 minutes, and returns all sites bookmarked by at least 30 people. gives you a random textual and image scattering of a user's tags.
here is other graphing tool.
The powerful loader loads your Firefox bookmarks directly into your delicious account.delicious tag search. Search for tags that are tagged with one or more subjects.
delicous search plugin for mozilla browsers
here.WYSIWYG tool for delicious
here.MySQLicious is a tool for mirroring delicious bookmarks into a MySQL database.
Scrumptious is a Firefox extension for use with, a social bookmark manager.
automatic filling of delicious tags.
pasta, plain text pasting service.
delicious auto-complete hack
here.right click context menu
other interesting links
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here.finally find how to be coolest
here.quite long list...have many more...but these are far too sufficient.
quite delicious it?