Object dock!!! Must have software

If you feel that RK launcher hogs your system then try Object dock.
Simlar to the desktop docking app.
Free version is quite good...cio
shareware has more interesting functions though.
Thousands of icons, images, and zoomers are
available free from here.
Basic instructions / FAQ:
- Right click items on the dock to customize them
- Files and folders can be dragged onto the dock to create
new items. This includes special folders like "My Computer".
- You can drag items off the dock to delete them or right-click
on them to delete via menu.
- Click the "Configure ObjectDock" item or right-click a blank
area of the dock to access Dock Properties.
- ObjectDock can read PNG image files, as well as 32-bit icon
files in both Windows XP and Windows 2000. Images to be used
in items can be put anywhere off the ObjectDock folder. ObjectDock
will search its folders and all of its subfolders of it for images.
It is recommended that you use subfolders to categorize your images,
like the included Crystallized and LaST subdirs under the
Images directory.
- The Windows taskbar can be turned on or off via the dock settings dialog.
- Images can be assigned to windows based on the .EXE that they are running
or the "class name" for the window. The more specific class name takes
priority over the program file name in the event images have been set to both.
(e.g. one for the mail program, and another for an email window)
- The dock will track mouse movement even if another window is maximized
over the dock.
- You can configure ObjectDock via command line arguments. Replace n with a
number (see descriptions for info) for the new status desired:
objectdock.exe -ahn (turn on/off autohide, n=0-off, n=1-on, n=2-toggle)
objectdock.exe -psn (side position, n=0-bottom 1-top, 2-left, 3-right)
objectdock.exe -pan (alignment position, n=1-left(top) 2-middle 3-right(bottom))
objectdock.exe -mn (turn on/off mouse effect (magnification), n=0-off, n=1-on, n=2-toggle)
- ObjectDock includes options to adjust the position of the dock, its alignment,
z-order (normal, always on top, always on bottom), zoomer sizes, zoomer effects,
and much much more!
- Have fun!
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