Fuzzy Duck Note tab software
Fuzzy Duck Note Tab is a small utility for taking quick notes. The notes are saved in an RSS 2 formatted xml file for safe keeping.
Any number of note pads in one
Spell Checker
Inline calculations
rss output
command line style run funcitons
Drag and drop text files
Save your notes file to FTP and download them to another machine
DoubleClick on the duck icon to bring up the notetab.
DoubleClick again to hide it
Click the fuck icon to bring the notetab to the front
Right click on the icon to bring up the menu.
From here you can save the current note as a text file or save all of the notes as an RSS 2 formated xml file.
Right click in the note for more menu options
You can save the main notes file to an ftp server by clicking on Save to FTP
You can then download it to another pc by using Get from FTP
If you select a calculation eg. 1+2 and then right click it you will have a calculate option. This will calculate the equation for you.
Supports algebra style equation eg (a+10) = (a+1+9) = true
The following functions are supported
abs, exp, fix, int, log, sgn, sqr, atn, sin, cos, tan
Use then like this
check http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/script56/html/vtorifunctions.asp
to see loads more it can do (it is using the ScriptControl)
If you select a word and right click it you will see an option to spell.
This is a simple spell check that works with a text file called dict.dic
This is a UK word list and can be replaced with any word list as long as it is called dict.dic
When it has found the correct word double click it to change the spelling
You can also spell check the whole tab or a selection of it
You can add words to the dictionary
if you select a url or command line style command and rightclick it and select run it will try to run the line you have selected, for example if it is a valid url it will open it in your web browser
The first line of the note becomes the title.
Hover over a tab to see the title.
Drag and drop text files
You can drag and drop a group of text files onto the note window and it will open them all into seperate tabs
Key Board Short Cuts
ctrl+s saves the note
ctrl+shift+s opens the save note as text file dialog
ctrl+shift+alt+s opens the save all notes as rss file dialog
ctrl+m sends notetab back to the tray
ctrl+shift+p prints all notes
ctrl+q quits the application
In a note you get a few more :
ctrl+f find
ctrl+h find and replace
ctrl+o opens a file into the current tab
ctrl+a selects all text
ctrl+p to print current note
ctrl+n New tab
ctrl+d Delete current tab
alt+g google it!!
shift+f7 spell check the current selected word or all words if none are sellected
alt + c calculates the current selection
alt + r will try to run the line you have selected, for example if it is a valid url it will open it in your web browser
alt + d inserts the date
alt + t inserts the time
It has an auto save that saves every minute while the note is maximised
NoteTab saves when you close it, change tabs, click on another window,every minute if maximised, minimise it or manually save it
ctrl+s saves the note
ctrl+shift+s opens the save note as text file dialog
ctrl+shift+alt+s opens the save all notes as rss file dialog
ctrl+m sends notetab back to the tray
ctrl+shift+p prints all notes
ctrl+q quits the application
In a note you get a few more :
ctrl+f find
ctrl+h find and replace
ctrl+o opens a file into the current tab
ctrl+a selects all text
ctrl+p to print current note
ctrl+n New tab
ctrl+d Delete current tab
alt+g google it!!
shift+f7 spell check the current selected word or all words if none are sellected
alt + c calculates the current selection
alt + r will try to run the line you have selected, for example if it is a valid url it will open it in your web browser
alt + d inserts the date
alt + t inserts the time
It has an auto save that saves every minute while the note is maximised
NoteTab saves when you close it, change tabs, click on another window,every minute if maximised, minimise it or manually save it.
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